Sep 152008

Poland’s First Lady Experiences Embassy Adoption Program

The culmination of Poland’s yearlong participation in the Washington Performing Arts Society’s (WPAS) Embassy Adoption Program, which partnered the Polish Embassy with the D.C. Public School System, was presented to Poland’s first lady, Maria Kaczynska, in mid-July during her husband’s official visit to the White House.

DSC_7460-2[2]Throughout the year, Hanna Reiter, wife of Polish Ambassador Janusz Reiter, along with Hanna Bondarewska, Artistic Director of the Ambassador Theater and with Monika Król, director of the American Center of Polish Culture, have been visiting and working with the sixth-grade classes at Anne Beers Elementary School in Southeast Washington.

With underwriting from IBM, the group created a special play project and a “Polish Summer Camp” from June 25 to July 17, which also included Randle Highlands Elementary.

Artistic Director Hanna Bondarewska created the program, which turned into a very colorful learning adventure that would surely delight any first lady.

 Posted by at 10:53 am